FuturePerfect, a pioneering extended reality studio, excels in crafting immersive experiences for a global audience. Based in Brooklyn, NY, the studio is spearheaded by its visionary Founder & Executive Director, Wayne Ashley, alongside Technical Director Xander Seren. Their expertise spans virtual reality (VR), live performances, physical installations, and gaming consoles, creating a diverse portfolio of groundbreaking projects.
Our collaboration with FuturePerfect began with the project
"Cyber Attack: Digital Art and Activism", where our design expertise left a good impression on Wayne Ashley.
Inspired by our work, Wayne approached us with an idea: to create a motion video that encapsulates the essence of FuturePerfect.
The task was to distill the vast and varied portfolio of FuturePerfect into a singular, compelling story. This motion video was envisioned not just as a showcase of past achievements but as a testament to the studio’s philosophy and approach to extended reality. It aims to illuminate the intricate work behind the scenes, demonstrate the studio’s technological prowess, and provide a glimpse into the immersive experiences that define FuturePerfect.
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